The Maintenance Days, which take place alternately in Salzburg and Klagenfurt, provide packed content every year in the form of 1-day and 2-day seminars, digitalization and maintenance information day and the congress day with lectures and a trade exhibition. The topics range from spare parts management to cybercrime, maintenance 4.0 to key figures, condition monitoring and maintenance optimization.
From the 10th to the 12th of April it was time again and we are very proud that the HMT-1 has already been presented as the number 1 tool in maintenance.

Partners like Orianda, Kapsch BusinessCom/Evolaris und Spryflash made reference to the RealWear Head Mounted Tablet and demonstrated the possibilities with the purely voice-controlled HMT-1.

More about the Maintenance Days can be found under http://www.instandhaltungstage.at