Evonik optimizes customer support service with adtance

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Evonik Industries AG is a global leader in speciality chemicals and is represented with production
facilities in 26 countries. This makes it a challenge to provide the knowledge of experts at locations
worldwide and to guarantee fast service. The experts with the required, specific knowledge are often
not located directly at the source of error and have to travel to solve the problem. In the meantime,
production facilities break down and work is interrupted until the expert has solved the problem on
site. This costs time and money.

Video Support based on the innovative Adtance Smart Service platform enables experts to remotely
connect in real time. The platform allows simplified communication between an expert in the head
office and an employee in the field, so that the expert can participate in the problem solving process
by providing assistance. This communication can take place by using data glasses of our partner
RealWear as well as tablets, smartphones or other smart devices with access to the Internet.

„Beside faster problem solving, the Smart Service Technology from our partner Adtance increases the
innovative power as well, as it provides the entry technology for further innovations such as
Augmented Reality

Dr. Christian Blaufelder,
Customer Interface & Development, Technical Service



Evonik is one of the world leaders in specialty chemicals. The focus on more specialty businesses,
customer-oriented innovative prowess and a trustful and performance-oriented corporate culture
form the heart of Evonik’s corporate strategy. They are the lever for profitable growth and a
sustained increase in the value of the company. Evonik benefits specifically from its customer
proximity and leading market positions. With more than 32,000 employees, Evonik is active in over
100 countries around the world.


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