MAN x RealWear x CISCO Webex

MHS Truck & Bus, the exclusive sales partner of MAN Truck & Bus in Romania, is using the RealWear HMT-1 and Cisco Webex to reduce the time needed to repair commercial vehicles by an estimated 75% and the necessary trips by 50%. The assisted reality solution is used for two areas: On the one hand, it is used to train individual experts on the latest technologies and components. This knowledge is then shared directly without delays and long travel times for complex repairs.

The MHS Truck & Bus team works at several locations throughout Romania and also repairs directly at the customer’s premises in case of emergencies. Increasing demands on the team’s experts led to initial considerations of a solution with rugged tablets. However, RealWear partner SETH was able to convince with the numerous advantages of a complete solution consisting of HMT-1 and Cisco Webex Expert on Demand. These include the high-resolution live videos and photos without restricting the employee and the Webex functionality of being able to superimpose information directly into the employee’s field of view on site.

The RealWear HMT-1 is now being deployed across MHS Truck & Bus, with further developments such as direct data retrieval from the vehicles and rapid spare parts ordering currently in the planning stage.

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Seth Dynamics SRL
Calea Griviței 51, Sector 1
București, Romania

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