HMT-1 under power: 8000 Amp arc survived


RealWear HMT-1 survives 8000 Amp arc

RealWear conducted an arc test of the HMT-1 through the certified testing agency Kinectrics to determine its use by customers in the power generation, transmission, construction and maintenance industries. Kinectrics tested the HMT-1 in its laboratory according to ASTM F2621-12, the standard method for arc loading.

The testing system standard is used in more than 140 countries and involves exposing the HMT-1 to an open air arc at 8 kA, with a varied duration to attain a target energy exposure level (20-25 cal/cm²).

The HMT-1 is designed to counteract such high ESD (ElectroStatic Discharge) discharges and remain stable in operation.

Arc test video:

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Kinectrics’ Quality Management System is registered to ISO 9001:2008.

ASTM, American Society for Testing and Materials, is an international company which produces voluntary consensus, and de-facto industry standards related to product quality, health and safety for many industries. Those standards are used in 140 countries.

The testing involved exposing the HMT-1 to an open air arc at 8 kA, with a varied duration in order to attain a target energy exposure level (20-25 cal/cm²).

The following test circuit parameters and conditions were used:

  • Electric arc current: 8 kA rms ± 10%, 60 Hz
  • Open circuit voltage: 2500 V rms ± 10%, 60 Hz
  • Nominal Heat Flux Density: 2100 kW/m2 (50 cal/cm.)
  • Arc duration: Varied to obtain required incident energy
  • Electrode gap: 305 mm (12 inches)
  • Distance from head form to center of electrode: 305 mm (12 inches)

Based on the tests performed and results and observations recorded at the time of testing, the RealWear Head-Mounted Tablet, HMT-1, exhibited good overall performance when exposed to electrical arcs and did not exhibit any signs of melting, dripping or ignition at any of the observed incident energy levels (20-27.6 cal/cm.).

The results of these tests were used to determine the material response characteristics and the HMT-1 can be considered “Arc Tested”, but this does not yet correspond to final certification under other ATSM rules. Additional compliance responsibilities may be imposed by other occupational and health requirements, depending on the application.

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